[Deck Tech] Werewolf Lockdown
What is Werewolf Lockdown What cards does the deck play? How does the deck play/work? The deck's place in the meta Why would you play it over other Stompy decks? What is Werewolf Lockdown? Werewolf Lockdown is a stompy deck which forces the opponent out of the game with hatepieces like Chalice of the Void, Blood Moon and Trinisphere. Once your opponent isn't able to cast any spells or just a few ones of the whole deck, you drop a Werewolf which is a 5/5 creature when it is transformed. The stompy strategy isn't new and featured in many decks: Eldrazi (Stompy), Mono red Prison/Dragon Stompy, Soldier/Thalia Stompy, Steel Stompy... They have all a few things in common: They play expensive (strong) creatures, Planeswalkers and other win conditions, mostly starting with a cmc of 3. I want to give credit to "Afro Dave" who showed (t)his deck online in "Inside the Deck". Link to the video here. What cards does the deck play? If you followed the ...